Friday, April 1, 2011

Goodbye to Rio de Janeiro...

After spending 2 years in Rio de Janeiro, it was time to come back to old Scotland...its very sad but I had a wonderful experience there.  I met my beloved wife who I love with all my heart.  I learned some Portuguese and how crazy Brazilians are.  Most importantly though I learned that life in the uk, may not be that bad for some people, for most people compared to poorer nations.  We complain about the little things when over there they have to fight to survive, steal and beg for just simple things such as food and clean water, which we take for granted.  I see an evil world but such a beautiful world at the same time...its people which curse it and better still theres people who dont want to help and just complain about themselves because they havent seen worse out there...

I recommend anyone feeling sorry for themselves to go to a poor country and really see how hard life I have a new appreciation for life and living here.